I am Lecturer in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow.

I am interested in finding out how we can use (formal) computational modelling to better understand and reason about complex systems: from chemical processes to large scale digital twins of cyber-physical systems. I'm particularly interested in the modelling side: how can we build expressive languages and tools that let non-formal methods experts access the wealth of strong reasoning techniques we have available, e.g. probabilistic model checking. Benefiting from formal methods should not require a Ph.D, and I believe graphical techniques like Milner's Bigraphs can play a key role in enabling wider adoption. I co-develop the BigraphER tool alongside Michele Sevegnani. Developing computational models is inherently an interdisciplinary activity, I am always looking for more interdisciplinary opportunities, and I am a Software Sustainability Institute Fellow.

I am a co-investigator in the TransiT UK national research hub based on Twinning for Decarbonising Transport (a complex socio-technical-environmental-economical system we must understand if we want to successfully change it).

I also develop re-usable high-level parallel abstractions (algorithmic skeletons) for combinatorial search problems. For example, finding cliques within graphs, or the shortest path between cities (delivery scheduling). While modern solvers are extremely efficient, there are always some problems out of reach of current technologies. Parallelism lets us increase the number of problems we can solve exactly (without heuristic search). I am the lead developer of YewPar, a C++ framework for parallel search, which currently supports more than 10 different search applications.

I am currently looking for new PhD students in the same areas as my interests (although open to work on something completely different!). Please get in touch if you want to discuss opportunities.

Selected Publications

The following is an overview of my current research and main interests. Please visit Publications for a full list.


Dr Blair Archibald
School of Computing Science
Sir Alwyn Williams Building
University of Glasgow
G12 8RZ

Email: Blair.Archibald@glasgow.ac.uk